Looking for an easy, digital system for your data collection notes? Looking for a system that allows you to copy and paste data into your billing system? Want to have all data organized and accessible at a glance for progress reports and annual IEP's?
➡️ Then using Google Forms may be for you!
I do want to be upfront and say that setting up this system does take time. However, it will save you SO much time and keep your filing cabinets/office decluttered throughout the school year!
Okay let's dive in!
1️⃣ First off, you will need a Gmail email account and access to Google Drive
2️⃣ I've already created a template for you! Click here to add it to your Google Drive
3️⃣ Choose a student and begin editing the template based on your needs and the student's goals
4️⃣ Once you've finished editing the data form, you need to email it to yourself. Click on the purple "SEND" button in the top righthand corner.

5️⃣ In the window that pops up, enter your email address and click "SEND".

6️⃣ Go to your Gmail account, click on the data form that you emailed to yourself, and create a folder. I like to name mine "DATA FORMS". This is where you will access the forms each day after your therapy sessions to input your data and notes.

7️⃣ Now let's practice filling out a form! Go to your "DATA FORMS" folder in your Gmail, and then click on the student's form.

8️⃣ After you open the email, click on "FILL OUT IN GOOGLE FORMS"

9️⃣ Fill out the form and submit it.
🔟 After you submit the form, go back to your GOOGLE DRIVE. We're going to set up your spreadsheet so that you can see all of the info that you entered. So, find the Google Form file that you edited in your Google Drive. Open the Google Form and click on the "RESPONSES" tab at the top.

1️⃣1️⃣ Click the "Create a new spreadsheet" bubble and click "Create" in the bottom righthand corner.

1️⃣2️⃣ A new window will pop up with the spreadsheet.

Now we need to create Google Forms for EACH STUDENT.
Right click on the first Google Form in your Google Drive and click on "MAKE A COPY".

Then repeat the steps above for each student:
Edit the form based on the individual student
Email it to yourself
Go to your email and move the form to the "DATA FORMS" folder
Go back to Google Drive to open the editable form and create a spreadsheet
⭐️ In your Google Drive, create a folder called something like "Data Forms" - this is where all of those editable Google Forms will be for each student
⭐️ Then, inside of that folder, create another folder called something like "Spreadsheets" - this is where you can put all of the spreadsheets that you create for each student
So now you have all of your forms created, you have them emailed to yourself, and placed in a folder. Now you need to know - how does this work day-to-day on the job?
After your session, open your gmail
Go to you "DATA FORMS" folder on the left side of the screen
Click on the student's data form
Click the "Fill out in Google Forms" button, enter info, and submit
Writing a progress report, completing Medicaid billing, or writing up an annual IEP?
Go to your Google Drive
Find the folder you created called something like "Data Forms"
Once you're in that folder, click on the "Spreadsheets" folder
Find the student you're looking for
Marvel at how awesome it is to have all of the data in one spot! Copy and paste it as needed!
Whew! That was a lot, but I hope it was helpful! Feel to reach out with any additional questions via email or DM me over on Instagram.

Thank you for sharing this! Much appreciation!