Hi friend!
Have you heard of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS)? It a free, easy to use tool that can be used to determine intelligibility across listeners in a variety of contexts.
Quick Facts:
it's a 7-item rating scale that you can give to families/caregivers of preschool and school-aged children
has been translated into a number of languages
available in two formats: monolingual or bilingual (language + English)
free and downloadable here
If you're an ASHA member, you can read this study and this study that shows it's a valid and reliable measure!
Ideas for use:
Screening for educational impact
An informal tool when conducting articulation assessments
Progress monitoring throughout the year
Gathering information for updating annual IEP's
If you're looking for a screening or informal tool to probe speech sounds (as well as a variety of language skills), take a look at this printable and digital (Google Forms) tool!
Have a wonderful week! 💛
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