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10 Predictive & Inferential Prompts for Shared Reading in Speech Therapy

Updated: May 27

Hi friends!

Here are 10 predictive & inferential prompts that you can use during shared reading in speech and language therapy sessions!

💭 I wonder what is going to happen next.

💭 Where could the characters be going next?

💭 How do the characters feel?

💭 What do the characters think?

💭 What could the characters do instead?

💭 Why did ___ happen?

💭 Why will ___ happen?

💭 Why wouldn’t ___ happen?

💭 How will the characters solve the problem?

💭 What else could have happened at the end?

Do you have students who are not quite ready for these types of questions? That's okay! You can still ask these questions and model responses if they're in the students' ZPD (zone of proximal development). You can also scaffold these types of questions by offering sentence starters! For example,

SLP: I wonder what is going to happen next. I think the bear is going to...

These strategies can also be used by SLP's in speech and language therapy sessions, by teachers and aides in the general or special education classroom, and by loved ones at home!

Have a wonderful week!

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