polar bear island

“Welcome to Polar Bear Island. NO OTHERS ALLOWED!” Parker, the mayor, is eager to keep the island just the way it is. But Kirby, a newly arrived penguin, is shaking things up. The other polar bears love Kirby and beg Parker to let Kirby (and her family) move in. Will Parker agree . . . and make the island fun for EVERYONE? This book sends a wonderful message about inclusivity and diversity.
story grammar
Main Character: Parker the polar bear and mayor
Setting: on snowy Polar Bear Island
Initiating Event/Problem: other animals weren’t allowed on the island but a penguin showed up
Feelings: annoyed, frustrated
Plan: Parker decided to let the penguins stay temporarily
Action: the penguins shared their inventions with the polar bears and they shared them with Parker when he hurt himself
Consequence: Parker realized the penguins helped to make the island a better place and let them stay
Ending: Polar Bear island became a wonderful place for everyone to live
summary (SWBST)
Somebody: Parker the mayor
Wanted: to keep other animals off of Polar Bear Island
But: Kirby the penguin arrived with her inventions
So: Parker let her stay temporarily
Then: Parker and the other polar bears learned to love and accept others
past tense verbs
planned, waddled, stomped, opened, peeked, loved, growled, protested, begged, flapped, asked, shouted, slipped, crashed, raised, leaped, rolled, shoveled, pushed, stuffed, started, nodded, pointed, woke, blew, shook, cried, thought
plural nouns
dens, slippers, paws, bears, friends, flippers, adventures, beds, chutes, snow cones, paths, bags, heads, penguins
polar bear, penguin, snow cone, sailboat
peaceful, predictable, journey, curious, invention, protest, scrumptious
peaceful/chaotic, toward/away, night/day, open/close, warm/cold, on/off, new/old, yes/no, happy/sad, long/short, in/out
Toasty - warm, hot, snug, cosy
Wonderful - awesome, magnificent, superb, glorious, lovely, delightful, marvelous, great, amazing, fantastic, super
Scrumptious - delicious, tasty, yummy, delectable