Turkey Trick or Treat

The clever turkey and his barnyard friends are excited for Halloween and determined to collect some treats. Together, they come up with a plan to disguise the turkey so he can trick the neighbors and get treats for everyone. With each new costume, they grow more inventive, hoping to fool the townspeople. Will their clever disguises work, or will the neighbors see through their tricks?
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story grammar
Main Character: the turkey
Setting: Halloween night on the farms
Initiating Event: the animals saw children trick-or-treating and they wanted some treats too
Feelings: jealous, determined
Plan: the animals planned to help the turkey dress up so he could trick the farmers to get treats
Action: the turkey dressed up as a ghost, ballerina, pirate, and superhero but he wasn’t able to trick the farmers
Solution: when the turkey went trick-or-treating as himself, the older woman thought his costume was so realistic that she gave him the rest of her treats
Ending: the turkey shared his treats with the other animals and they had the best Halloween ever
summary (SWBST)
Somebody: the turkey
Wanted: treats
But: his costumes weren't tricking the farmers
So: he tried trick-or-treating as a turkey
Then: the turkey got a lot of treats and shared them with his barnyard friends
Past Tense Verbs
watched, stared, loved, complained, grunted, crowed, looked, floated, shivered, grumbled, needed, asked, bleated, danced, groaned, sailed, moaned, zoomed, puffed, slapped, howled, rushed, seemed, squinted, exclaimed, gave, shook, said, stood
Plural Nouns
animals, trick-or-treaters, treats, costumes, neighbors, feathers, turkeys, cows, horses, pigs, roosters, sheep
crisp, spooky, treat, costume, ballerina, pirouette, swashbuckle, cape, x-ray vision, breeze, squint, marvelous