Turkey Goes to School

School is about to start and the theme of the week is Farm Days! Turkey and his barnyard friends are so excited! But on the first day of school, they discover animals aren’t allowed at school! Determined to go to school, the barnyard animals hatch a plan. They just might convince the teacher that there’s a place for farm animals at school!
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story grammar
Main Character: the turkey
Setting: the first day of school, Farm Days
Initiating Event: the farm animals weren’t allowed at school
Feelings: excited, sad
Plan: wear disguises to get into the classroom
Action: the barnyard animals helped the turkey disguise himself
Solution: the barnyard animals put on a fun farm show and convinced the teacher to let them be their special farm guests for Farm Days
Ending: the students and barnyard friends had the best first day of school
summary (SWBST)
Somebody: the turkey and his barnyard friends
Wanted: to go to school for Farm Days
But: critters aren't allowed at school
So: they tried dressing in different disguises to trick the school staff
Then: they convinced the teacher to let them be their special farm guests for the day
Past Tense Verbs
invited, arrived, tried, dinged, pilfered, counted, looked, peeked, stayed, booted, groaned, moaned, howled, bucked, head-butted, cried, grumbled, cheered, asked, pushed, trudged, squawked, poked, walked, wrote, said, read, began, sang
Plural Nouns
animals, days, pals, kernels, games, pictures, critters, kids, visitors, guests, stories, children
booted, groaned, hogwash, foolish, dinged, pilfered, pal, parcel