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The Golden Acorn


This is a charming story about a competitive squirrel who has always won the annual Golden Acorn race by relying on her speed and independence. However, this year the race is now a team event, and Squirrel must compete with her forest friends who aren't as fast as she is. Squirrel learns the value of cooperation, friendship, and putting others before her own desire to win.

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story grammar

Main Character: the squirrel
Setting: in the forest during the Golden Acorn Hunt
Initiating Event: the squirrel and her forest friends teamed up for the Golden Acorn Hunt
Feelings: determined
Plan: the squirrel planned to use her speed to find the acorn first
Action: The squirrel was quick but had to keep going back to help her friends. When she found the acorn she realized that she couldn’t carry it alone.
Solution: the squirrel went back to race with her friends
Ending: the squirrel lost the competition but she learned the value of friendship and putting her friends before her own desire to win

summary (SWBST)

Somebody: the squirrel
Wanted: to win the Golden Acorn Hunt
But: her friends were slower than her and needed the squirrel's support
So: she decided to forget about the golden acorn and go back for her friends
Then: they lost the competition but she learned to value her friends more than winning

Past Tense Verbs

loved, prized, scoffed, looked, gathered, yelled, called, huffed, grabbed, plopped, tangled, untangled, moaned, groaned, pushed, raced, pried, realized, won, read, said, took, lost

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