Cooler Than Lemonade

One hot summer day, Eva comes up with the idea to start a lemonade stand! When she discovers she has competition, Eva works hard to come up with new ideas to make her lemonade stand stand out. When her competition seems to be attracting more customers, Eva thinks she may be out of business. But before she gives up for good, Eva's brother inspires her to succeed in a new way!
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story grammar
Main Character: Eva, the girl
Setting: a hot summer
Initiating Event: Eva has an idea to start a lemonade stand but there is competition
Feelings: determined, sad
Plan: Eva comes up with new ideas to make her lemonade stand stand out
Action: Eva tries making a new flavor and creating a logo to attract customers
Solution: Eva decides to sell kulfi instead
Ending: Eva creates a partnership with Jake's lemonade stand
summary (SWBST)
Somebody: Eva
Wanted: to sell lemonade
But: there was competition
So: she tried coming up with new ideas to attract more customers
Then: she decided to sell something different instead - kulfi
Simple Present Tense Verbs
seeks, snaps, sizzles, sprouts, launches, walks, sits, stews, offers, experiments, tests, adjusts decides, chants, meditates, builds, daydreams, creates, posts, waves, stands, spreads, shrinks, sighs, doodles, crafts, fiddles, drags, pulls, blends, smiles, arranges, molds, waits, appears, blossoms
lemons, lemonade, cat, dog, hat, strawberries, cookies, kulfi, ice cream
compare & contrast
lime & lemon, lemon & strawberry, cat & dog, kulfi & popsicle, pencil & marker